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Playing it Safe: Avoiding Slips, Trips, and Falls in Home Care Settings

- - Avoiding Slips, Trips, and Falls in Home Care Settings - Tips for keeping yourself and patients safe in their homes Caring for patients in their homes can offer many benefits; yet, such care also presents safety...

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全国安全月的目的是传播安全意识,帮助预防工作场所的伤害和死亡. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据,每年有4,764人因职业原因死亡.7 million work-...

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特别是在温暖的天气里,冬季会出现额外的危险,而这些危险通常不会影响到员工, slip and fall concerns. With snow and ice-covered conditions, you run the risk of taking major...

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——防止起下钻和滑倒—— 给卫生保健工作者的有用提示 Wet floors, 对于在医疗机构工作的员工来说,溢出物和过多的杂物可能意味着灾难. 滑倒、绊倒和跌倒造成的伤害...

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